Acting Bishop of London Opens and Blesses New Building Extension at Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School

The Acting Bishop of London, Bishop Pete Broadbent, officially opened the new building extension at Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School, Marylebone, before leading a service in association with St. Paul’s church to bless the new building. The new extension will increase facilities to allow for two-form entry to the school.

Other prominent attendees at the official opening included Karen Buck MP, Cllr Barbara Grahame and Cllr Paul Dimoldemberg as well as representatives from the London Diocesan Board for Schools.

The service took place in the school playground and included a few words by the Bishop based on the Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 3.10-11, ‘building our foundation on Jesus Christ’, before unveiling the plaque, and a Blessing of the new building extension and cutting of the ribbon.

Speaking after the opening, Headteacher Sandra Tyrrell, said: “It is a wonderful to welcome Bishop Pete to celebrate the official opening of the school – to give thanks for all the hard work and dedication of staff and pupils and families, to recognise those who designed and built the school and to celebrate all that lies ahead with the fabulous new facilities and technology in place.”

Over the last few years the school has undergone extensive building work to extend the existing building. Some classes were held in porta-cabins during the work and the children and staff were able to continue working and achieve fantastic results amidst all the change.

Christ Church Bentinck School is a Church of England Primary School, linked to St Paul’s Church, Marylebone. The school has around 230 students, with nursery and reception class, and serves a diverse local population around the parish of St Paul’s. The majority of children speak English as an additional language and approximately 15% come from Christian backgrounds and as a church school they value being able to welcome children of all faith traditions.

The parish serves one of the most deprived and densely populated wards in Westminster. The school mission statement is lived out and informs the daily worship and teaching life of the school: ‘We are all unique in the eyes of God and together we enjoy, aspire and achieve’.