Diocese of London clergy installed as new Prebendary at St Paul’s cathedral

The Reverend Marjorie Brown, Vicar at St Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill, has been installed as Prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral by the Acting Bishop of London, Bishop Pete Broadbent, in recognition of her valuable ministry in the Diocese of London.

Prebendaries are appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Dean of St Paul’s in recognition of their work in the Diocese. As part of the roles in the Greater Chapter of St Paul’s, they are each given their own stall in the quire, are invited to preach once a year and are given a portion of the psalms to recite each day. They also play a valuable role in maintaining the Cathedral’s close links with the parishes of the London Diocese.

The Revd Marjorie Brown, who will take up the Prebendal Stall of Portpool, has contributed almost ten years’ of service at St Mary’s church in Primrose Hill. Under her leadership the congregation at St Mary’s has hosted a cold weather shelter, continued to support youth work with vulnerable young people, introduced an informal eucharist for young families, joined London Citizens, begun new initiatives in mental health awareness, and even started a craft brewery.

Following the service, she said: “The support of ministry colleagues and the whole congregation has been crucial in making it possible for me to undertake the role of Area Director of Ordinands in addition to parish duties. I have been delighted by the way everyone has taken pleasure in my appointment as a prebendary. I am particularly grateful to a group of Psalm Companions from the congregation who have pledged to share the recitation of my prebendal psalms on a daily basis. I am sure the links between St Mary’s Primrose Hill and St Paul’s Cathedral will be strengthened as a result.”

The Reverend Prebendary Marjorie Brown was installed during Choral Evensong on Pentecost Sunday, a major feast for the church. The preacher for the service was Fr Andrew Gallagher, the Precentor at Westminster Cathedral.

The Evensong service was also attended by members of the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund, who laid a wreath in Kitchener’s memorial chapel after the service. The Fund gives scholarships to the children of those who serve or have served in the armed forces.