CategoryBattle of Agincourt anniversary
The Bishop gave the address at a service at Westminster Abbey to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt.
Read the..
Armenian martyrs service
The Bishop gave the Address at a Special Service to remember the lives of the Armenian martyrs of 1915.
Commemoration of the Armenian M..
Blessing a new winter ale
The Bishop visited London brewer and premium pub company Fuller, Smith & Turner to bless a new winter ale named after St Nicholas Church i..
House of Lords debate on the Enterprise Bill
On 12th October 2015 the Bishop spoke in the Second Reading debate on the Government’s Enterprise Bill, to highlight the importance of app..
St Alban’s Cathedral
The Bishop gave an address at the St Alban’s Cathedral Dedication Service.
900th Anniversary and Dedication of the Martyrs
St Albans ..
House of Lords EU debate
On 12th October 2015 the Bishop contributed to a debate on the EU in the House of Lords.
Installation of new bishops and archdeacon
Three new Bishops and a new Archdeacon for London were commissioned and installed at a service in St Paul’s Cathedral. During Choral Evens..
New Fire in London, Lambeth Lecture
The Bishop gave a lecture at Lambeth Palace on church growth in London.
To read the full lecture, please visit the Diocese of London we..
Consecration of the Bishop of Islington
The Bishop was part of a a ceremony at St Paul’s Cathedral where the Revd Ric Thorpe was consecrated as the new Bishop of Islington.
New London bishops consecrated at Canterbury Cathedral
The Bishop participated in ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral as The Revd Rob Wickham was consecrated as the new Bishop of Edmonton and the ..