Prayers on the Move

The Bishop has joined the Revd Preb Rose Hudson-Wilkin and the ‘Prayers on the Move’ campaign for a prayer walk through the city of Westminster.

A group of Londoners met at Westminster Abbey and walked together to Trafalgar Square, pausing for discussions on spirituality in the modern world. As part of the Prayers on the Move campaign thousands of prayer posters have been placed on public transport in London and Newcastle to encourage people to pause and think about prayer. The campaign focuses on facilitating prayer in everyday situations and the event gave the walkers a chance to consider the value of prayer and the many different ways of praying during a busy day and outside a church building.

The Bishop of London said:
“I am grateful for this SPCK initiative. Reaching out to people where they are is vital and an important part of the approach we are taking in London through our Capital Vision 2020. Whatever our church tradition, we know that authentic prayer – listening deeply and responding obediently – takes time. The hope of Prayers on the Move is that reading a simple prayer in the anonymity of the tube or the bus will give people an opportunity to listen to the Spirit’s inner voice.”

Prayers on the Move has been organised by SPCK, the oldest Anglican mission agency and now the UK’s largest Christian publisher, in partnership with the Diocese of London and other Christian organisations. Prayer apps and booklets are available to download in addition to the posters on public transport.

Find out more about Prayers on the Move at or read an article by the Bishop for the Church Times on Prayers on the Move.
