New Priest Installed In Historic City Churches
Two historic churches in the City of London recently received a new incumbent, following the installation of the Revd Paul Kennedy by the..
Bishop of Stepney opens Open Door Centre, Christ Church Barnet
The Bishop of Stepney, Adrian Newman, has formally opened and dedicated the Open Door Centre at Christ Church, Barnet. The new community c..
Diocese of London clergy reaffirm their calling at the Chrism Mass in St Paul’s Cathedral
The Acting Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Pete Broadbent, Bishop of Willesden, has shared a message of empowerment, purpose and action with..
Sermon at Chrism Mass by the Acting Bishop of London
There’s a scene in Dogma, that great comedic film exploration of the vagaries of faith, where Bartleby (played by Ben Affleck), one of the..
Tributes paid at the funeral of PC Keith Palmer
Thousands of Londoners and police officers from forces around the country filled Southwark Cathedral and lined the streets for the funeral..
Service of Hope following the terror attack in Westminster
Westminster Abbey has held a Service of Hope following the terror attack in Westminster.
The service was taken by the Dean of Westminst..
Consecration of the Bishop of Woolwich
The Revd Prebendary Dr Woyin Karowei Dorgu has been consecrated as Bishop of Woolwich. During the service, Dr Dorgu was presented for cons..
Charterhouse museum and new development opened
Her Majesty The Queen, accompanied by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, has formally opened the new museum and Learning Centre at ..
Prime Minister’s Shrove Tuesday reception
The Bishop of London was among faith leaders to attend a Shrove Tuesday reception at Downing Street this week, during which the Prime Mini..
Tree planting programme supported by the Mayor of London to open to London parishes
Churches across London will have the opportunity to make their neighbourhood a greener place as part of a new project supported by the May..